
We’re Vegetarians—Not An Alien Life Force

On August 12, 2009 I quietly celebrated my 1 year anniversary of Vegetarianism.  It has been an amazing experience, though challenging.  Surprisingly, the  challenge of the life style change was not difficult.  The hardest part of transforming to vegetarianism was dealing with the meat eaters. I was not aware of how seriously the meat eating population views its craft. I still have to be […]


Gratitude And Appreciation

We spend a lot of time and effort focusing on what is wrong in our lives.  Somehow we have arrived at the conclusion that the other guy has it all.  All of what?  We don’t know the answer; it just makes for a good defense when someone actually pauses long enough to listen to our non-productive comments.    It is time for each of us to make a commitment […]


Our Times

There appears to be an epidemic of violence in this nation; neighborhoods are slowly being destroyed. Children’s moral and ethical values are lacking; they are using violence as the way to resolve common childhood issues. The turf wars are making it very difficult for normal school activities to be enjoyed by young people. This destruction […]


The Clouds

Clouds are generally associated with disappointment, crushed dreams and missed opportunities. When clouds appear, people become so focused on them that they forget–they truly do pass on. The most beautiful and simple reminder of the promise and hope that hides behind clouds is the rainbow that nestles itself among them. So, we don’t even have […]

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