Whether your “shelter from the storm” is ritzy rich, comfy cosy, or just a little shabby–be ever grateful for it. Gdr-2015
By Grace, We are Given Another Chance
Grace is defined as: (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor of God. Through grace, we are allowed to change the course of a destructive life-style. Because of grace, we are recycled and allowed to reestablish ourselves. I, personally, know that grace is not just a random act; on the contrary, it is a timely […]
Use Gratitude and Appreciation to Power Your Life
Some of us spend a lot of time and effort focusing on what is wrong in our lives. Somehow we have arrived at the conclusion that the other guy has it all. All of what? We don’t know the answer; it just makes for a good defense when someone actually pauses long enough to listen to our […]
Having an Appreciative Attitude is an Asset
Being grateful and thankful means having an appreciation for all of life’s gifts, including good health, well being, and talents. As well, I know that sincere expressions of gratitude and appreciation attract more things to be thankful for. When I feel grateful and appreciative of the things that are important in life, I am better […]
Continue To Write Until Something Happens
Iwrote a good piece, which I called Parenting for a Change. I entered my story in the 79th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition, the Magazine Feature Article category. Unfortunately, I did not win. I received a nice letter, thanking me for entering the competition. Though I was disappointed, I decided that I would enter my article […]
What It Means To Be Grateful
Being grateful and thankful means having an appreciation for all of life’s gifts, including good health, well being, and talents. As well, I know that sincere expressions of gratitude and appreciation attract more things to be thankful for. When I feel grateful and appreciative of the things that are important in life, I am better […]
Saying Thank You Warms The Heart
As many of us know, expressing gratitude and appreciation opens the door for more good things. The simplest form of gratitude is expressed by two little words–thank you. Whether you use thank you to show appreciation during prayer, meditation, or in your daily routine, you generate positive energy. Not only that, but when you express […]
Inspire Someone Today
Inspiration is a powerful and constructive tool; once it is gained, it is guaranteed to break barriers, open doors, and start ventures before doubt has a chance to enter into the plan. Inspiration keeps loved ones alive in the memory. Generate more value and reveal more gifts in your life by sharing inspirational thoughts. Good […]
Use Positive, Productive Thoughts To Attract The Things You Desire In Life, Including Healthy Bodies and Minds
Positive lifestyle changes are attainable; even the slightest change for the better can improve your outlook. Many of us are confused into thinking that, in order to affect an improvement in our current lifestyle, we must wait for specific conditions. The right condition exists if your current lifestyle does not excite and motivate you. Sometimes […]
Strengthen Your Faith–Through Gratitude Expression
When you find yourself in a predicament that appears to be hopeless, out of nowhere, the brick wall materializes. Then, since it is physically impossible to go through a brick wall–a stop sign constructs itself in your path. Suddenly, there are too many obstacles; therefore, you give up and turn back …… Use gratitude to get through all […]