The more you use the wonderful option of letting go, the more likely it will become your only option. Accordingly, you can create the amazing life that you think so many other people, magically, have.
No matter who you are or what your status is in life, there is bound to be times when things don’t go the way you would like them to. During those times, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of the situation—try to place emphasis on a positive outcome. By doing that, you are creating the results you truly want to see; you are letting go. You are allowing your life experiences to unfold, favorably, as you watch, listen, and learn. You will constantly be amazed at how your life is set to order.
If things are not falling in place as you think they should; if your efforts are getting little, or no results—simply let go, and trust that everything will work out for your good. Letting go is the best way to remove stress and worry from your life. The amazing results will leave you in awe; letting go will become your new way of life.
Choose to just let go—keep the door wide open for your gifts.
Images: by Gloria D. Robinson, for this blog post