It’s your time to…
Help someone
Thank someone
Forgive someone
Learn from someone
Teach someone
Trust someone
Inspire someone
Believe in someone
Support someone
Tell someone, “You are loved.”
There is no priority order for this list because even the smallest act of kindness can have an amazing effect on the quality of life, not only for the recipient, but for the giver as well.
If you have any of these gestures on your mind, now is the time to act. The gratification derived from such acts could last a lifetime; not only that, but you will have set a positive example for someone else.
Let’s face it, there is far too much negativity and violence in the world; however, there is still time to reach out to do your share to change the trend.
Do is a small word but is quite powerful when inspired by good intentions and positive energy.
What is it time for you to do?
Go ahead–Do it!
Image: Printmaster
(I wrote It’s Your Time December, 2011. It was modified September, 2013 to present at Open Mic on September 25, 2013)
Great post!!! Thank you 😀
Thank you!! I was truly inspired to write It’s Your Time to…