Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

hope 2Keeping it simple does not mean the holiday can’t be festive and enjoyable; in fact, a holiday filled with simple, relaxing events can prove to be empowering. Getting caught up in the excitement and anticipation of any event can cause some anxiety, but if care is taken to minimize spending, you feel more satisfied at the end of the season. Spend the holiday enjoying each other’s company. Share good times—especially memories that live on forever. The best holiday joys are the ones that cannot be contained in wrapping paper.

Be sure to remind family, friends, and guests that their presence is much more valuable than the presents.

Remember to do your part to create a good season for yourself, and for those around you.

Happy Holidays to all!

About GDR: I am a positive , self-motivated individual who has gained strength from life's gifts, trials and lessons. I enjoy networking with others through written communication. My goal is to inspire, motivate and fellowship with others via The gdr blog. Additionally, hablo espanol!

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