Month: March 2013

Gratitude and Appreciation

Having an Appreciative Attitude is an Asset

Being grateful and thankful means having an appreciation for all of life’s gifts, including good health, well being, and talents. As well, I know that sincere expressions of gratitude and appreciation attract more things to be thankful for. When I feel grateful and appreciative of the things that are important in life, I am better […]


Life’s Obstacles Serve as Building Blocks to Growth and Success

Sometimes we place obstacles in our own path. Is that our way of avoiding pending challenges? Challenges condition us—mentally and physically. They give us a chance to tap into the reserve of strength that reveals itself when all other options have been exhausted. The road to success may have various obstacles, but we can maneuver […]

Eating Healthy

Invest in Your Child’s Future–Teach Healthy Eating Habits

Because the internet has made it so easy for us to accomplish countless tasks without having to leave our home or office, I believe more peaple have developed poor eating habits, and weight issues. Many people do not exercise regularly, or spend time engaging in physical activities. Michelle Obama has cited that lack of physical […]

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