Technology has provided so many electronic gadgets for adults and children to use for entertainment and education. People of all ages enjoy using smart phones and computers; some thought they would never have use for those “fancy gadgets.” We should all embrace and enjoy the advancing technological offerings. Every now and then we need to […]
Use Gratitude and Appreciation to Power Your Life
Some of us spend a lot of time and effort focusing on what is wrong in our lives. Somehow we have arrived at the conclusion that the other guy has it all. All of what? We don’t know the answer; it just makes for a good defense when someone actually pauses long enough to listen to our […]
Reach Out Anyway
Reaching out to others could project you beyond your emotional comfort zone, thus, opening the possibility for rejection–or for an experience that might turn your life around and give you a better prospective. Some of us have the desire to reach out, but are waiting for someone else to take the first step. We sometimes […]
Having an Appreciative Attitude is an Asset
Being grateful and thankful means having an appreciation for all of life’s gifts, including good health, well being, and talents. As well, I know that sincere expressions of gratitude and appreciation attract more things to be thankful for. When I feel grateful and appreciative of the things that are important in life, I am better […]
Life’s Obstacles Serve as Building Blocks to Growth and Success
Sometimes we place obstacles in our own path. Is that our way of avoiding pending challenges? Challenges condition us—mentally and physically. They give us a chance to tap into the reserve of strength that reveals itself when all other options have been exhausted. The road to success may have various obstacles, but we can maneuver […]
TODAY Today I love my life. Today my modest quarters are more adequate than at any other time. Today the sky is more beautiful than on other days. Today my music is so clear, and is more meaningful than the last time I listened. Today I want to tell someone, “Have a great day!” Today […]
Invest in Your Child’s Future–Teach Healthy Eating Habits
Because the internet has made it so easy for us to accomplish countless tasks without having to leave our home or office, I believe more peaple have developed poor eating habits, and weight issues. Many people do not exercise regularly, or spend time engaging in physical activities. Michelle Obama has cited that lack of physical […]